EducationInterpretive Programs
Snowdon offers off-site interpretive programs throughout the year. Various topics are available including Falcons, Owls and Black Bear Awareness. Programs are offered at no-cost to the public, but donations to cover travel expenses, etc. are appreciated.
Call Snowdon at 208-634-8050 for information about booking a program.
Traveling TruNk Program
Snowdon expands its educational reach with the Wild About Wildlife! traveling trunk program. The McCall-Donnelly Education Foundation and the J.A Wedum Foundation have funded the development of six unique trunks to help youth learn about area wildlife and birds, and to prepare projects that demonstrate wildlife stewardship.
Who Can Participate?
Each traveling trunk is available on loan at no cost for a period of up to 2 weeks, to classes, camps, clubs, and other youth groups in McCall and the surrounding communities. Since 2014, the trunks have been made available to groups in other counties across Southwestern Idaho. Call us to reserve a trunk and to arrange transportation.
Of Special Value to Schools…
Curriculum materials align with Idaho Content Standards in Information and Communication Technology, Science and/or Language Arts.
Value to All Groups
It’s FUN!
Why It’s Important
Myths and misconceptions, as well as misinformation generated from emotionally-charged wildlife issues, negatively impact the development of children’s attitudes toward wildlife stewardship. This program uses a best-practice approach to foster safe and responsible interaction with wildlife, and provide a leadership platform to empower students to inform and inspire a future generation of environmental stewards.
Service to the Community
Each borrowing group is asked to create an age-appropriate project that demonstrates what has been learned and/or shares good wildlife stewardship practices with others. A video/still camera is provided in each trunk, although any media can be used. Snowdon will facilitate publication of project media if desired.

The Following Trunks are Currently Available:
Corvids (ravens, crows, jays, magpies)
Canids (wolves, coyotes, foxes)
Diurnal Birds of Prey
Mustelids (wolverine, weasels, badgers, otters)